Microsoft powerpoint alternatives
Microsoft powerpoint alternatives

microsoft powerpoint alternatives

Plus, to edit and view your Prezi offline, you’ll have to sign up for a paid membership.

microsoft powerpoint alternatives

Its design options (fonts, text sizes, text colors and text background colors) are very limited, and it offers only one animation option (“dissolve”). Its design interface is completely different from PowerPoint, and has some quirks, so there’s a learning curve that I found frustrating. It’ll make more sense if I show you, so here’s a Prezi I created to accompany a booth presentation I built for Citrix at the VMworld trade show at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco:Īnd here’s me delivering that Prezi in Citrix’s booth at VMworld: Then, you use Prezi’s unique “pan-and-zoom” feature to zoom around the slide like a prop plane might zoom around above a town, diving into one content area as you address it, then zooming up and over to the next one. With Prezi, instead of creating a bunch of separate slides, you place all your content in different areas on one ginormous slide. Ready to use warp your audience’s fragile little minds? Try Prezi, a visual design format that will keep them riveted. Each is designed to outshine PowerPoint with an appealing structure that gets audience members actively involved, creates space for spontaneous insight and humor, and makes your presentation(s) seem unique, memorable, and worth revisiting next time you speak.Ħ tips to make your seminar or event emcee script sparkle What could you do instead? Glad you asked! Here’s a list of 9 other presentation formats I’ve personally used as a corporate emcee, or seen others use successfully.

microsoft powerpoint alternatives

So consider this your wake-up call: DUMP POWERPOINT, or at least minimize its use. It’s also to create a memorable experience. If you’re planning a presentation (or a whole seminar’s worth of them), remember: your goal isn’t just to deliver information. Trouble is, to your audience, “safe” translates to “bland, obvious, and forgettable.” A parade of PowerPoint presentations won’t engage your audience, reward them for spending their valuable time with you, or incentivize them to attend your next presentation, forcing you to build a whole new audience from scratch next time. And no one ever got fired for giving a safe presentation. Its use feels familiar, comfortable and safe, a security blanket to which you can tether your content. My guess: when presentations are planned, PowerPoint’s use is almost reflexive. And then…the speakers pummel the opportunity into submission with a flurry of forgettable slides. Why? (I’ve even emceed a few!) Organizations produce them with high hopes and heavy promotion. I’ve attended too many presentations like these, and I bet you have too. You leave drained, angry, and determined you won’t get fooled again.


As each speaker clicks through an endless series of listless bullet points, confusing charts and cheesy stock footage on pre-fab templates, your very life force ebbs away. Now imagine attending a conference, seminar, trade show, internal meeting, or other event with a whole lineup of speakers, in which every single speaker uses PowerPoint. You estimate this will be the eight-billionth PowerPoint slide deck you’ve endured in your life, and hope the presentation will still be engrossing despite this old, tired, tedious format. But it’s exactly as dull, tedious, and forgettable as you’d feared. Then a PowerPoint title slide appears on the screen.

microsoft powerpoint alternatives

As the speaker takes the stage, you anticipate an insightful, inspiring experience. Imagine attending a presentation on a topic that fires you up. 10 PowerPoint Alternatives That Make Your Presentation Memorable

Microsoft powerpoint alternatives